Thursday, 7 December 2006

Go to the cafe-cafe, I do!

Opened this year in Chiang Dao is Damien's (French) and Mui's (Thai Yai / Shan) Chiang Dao Cafe - Cafe (I don't know how to do e acute)

It's just opposite where the bus boys push people out of the Chiang Mai - Fang or Chiang Mai Tha Ton bus if foreigners ask for "Chiang Dao".

They do great coffee, have good burgers and a respectable array of fast food both farang and Thai, and even a an exotic Shan Bolognese (highly recommended).

Motorbikes for rent too.

You'll find me there most lunchtimes playing Winning Eleven (Playstation 2 football / soccer game) over a soda/ lime and eating one of Mui's spicier dishes, all finished off with a teeth-grindingly good double espresso.

Damien is usually sober during the daytimes - but very entertaining some nighttimes!

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